She sits in the window, waiting, looking, searching the road that leads to their house for the familiar sound of their clunky car.  He’s not there!  It is getting late and pretty soon the dinner that he requested, will be cold and yet there is no sign of him, anywhere. How much longer will she play the victim blind to the facts that he simply does not value her time, her energy or even her efforts and pacifies her ego by casually sporadically telling her he cares?  She knows he doesn’t!  It would even be easier to stomach if he was there for the kids, but that dream died when the third one came along and suddenly ministry picked up and now the three-strand chord is a four-strand chord; me, him, God, and her.  But which one is her or should I say how many?  She just wants to be married!

As tears fall, slowly easing down her pale face that used to beam at the mere mention of his name.  She remembers how it used to be and the love he demonstrated when love was new and exciting.  Oh, how she longs for the sound his voice would make when he whispered her name.   As his warm breath caressed her ear and he held her near, gently caressing the small of her back ever so gently his hands resting below her waist.  He always knew how to hold her, console her and make her feel like a woman. So now she sits in the window, wondering if he is coming home tonight and whether he will even have the decency to call or text to say I’ll be home late? She just wants to be married!

Often times, this is the picture of many women who share the same thinking – I just want to be married! And so they buy into the dream with the wrong view and find out that what they really wanted was not what they paid for.  So they sit with a final sale receipt, or so it seems, and no clear plan of how to right this very wrong situation.

Can I encourage you to look deep within yourself and find out what it is you really want?  Take some time to look at your life retrospectively, find the little girl that used to dream that she could conquer the world and actually go and conquer it! I get it, you just want to be married but why does being married have to be the only goal you accomplished from your youth?  Every woman, if she is honest, wants to be valued, loved and cherished.  Those are characteristics that are founded in friendship, honesty and mutual respect.  Being married doesn’t create them, it intensifies them. Can I encourage you to seek your higher power and rely on their leading to guide you into all truths?  Can I encourage you to begin to write down your dreams once again, your aspirations once again, and your big ideas once again and this time actually begin to put things into place to accomplish them?  Step by step, brick by brick build yourself on what defines who you are!  Look yourself square in the eyes and repeat over and over again until you feel it in the core of your being ~ I am fearfully and wonderfully made, cut from the fabric of the most expensive cloth known to man.  I am unstoppable and nothing by any means shall harm me when I place my faith in the direction of my goals.  Hold yourself accountable daily, weekly and monthly to completing those things you have written down.  Let your true friends know and allow them to hold you accountable to your word!

The situation you are in; be it marital, relational, financial, or otherwise is temporary and able to be changed.  Have the tough conversations and be willing to require what you need to ensure you live the life you dreamed of years ago.  See yourself beyond your current situation and know that every situation is able to altered for your good.  Do not become distracted by the distractions and move forward in the building of your new tomorrow.  Always remember You are only limited by the depths of the reality you chose to create for yourself!  So if you can believe it you most definitely can receive it.